Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Just a regular Tuesday for me.

A glimpse into what the second day back in the daily grind of a busy pastry student may look like (if they're cool enough anyways):
-Wake up at 6:00- just to turn off the noisy alarm that had some how been put for that time and fall back to sleep.
-Jerk up out of bed at 6:45 fumbling for the phone to see what time it is because you're certain you overslept and are now late for class (and to do that on the first week back would be credit suicide as you would then lose your spot in class!)
-Realize, after finding your phone, that you still have another hour and a half till class starts.
-Put the tea kettle on so you can drink that delicious french vanilla tea on your way to school.
-Start the daily routine: Brush hair, brush teeth, check email, email people.
-Stop emailing people and make a mad dash to the kitchen after hearing the tea kettle's obnoxious whistle, which you're afraid will wake up your roommate, which after running into the kitchen to turn it off you realize the kettle probably didn't but stampeding into the kitchen probably did.
-Decide to make some oatmeal, just to look at the clock and realize that you'd wasted up all your time and now have 5 minutes to get everything together and get going to school.
-Take 15 minute drive to school- thanking God for spectacular drivers that don't drive the speed limit, and sit at green lights....noooot so much (though I should have).

And thus begins the regular hub-bub at school...
-Create dessert/bread menu for the culinary schools restaurant.
-Go to your menu development class (which is very useful considering we're creating the menu for the entire rest of, oh, I don't know, maybe just the entire history of the school! ....well, maybe not..but it will definitely be there for a LONG time! SO awesome to know that i'm helping developing this menu!)
-Grab a bite to eat with your favorite Brookster.
-Get a phone call from your amazing Mum, who tells you a story that just confirms that your Dad is just as hilarious as ever- if not more so!
-Begin working on molded truffles for tour du chocolate again with your favorite baking buddies- Elise and Brook.
-Go home at 5 and make a super nutritious meal of La Ramen noodles!
-Decide that ramen noodle wasn't the best choice and decide to go for a run in the beautiful spring air that has finally arrived...
-Decide instead that while that last one has the potential to happen, I just don't think it will. So instead make sponge candy to take to people and make them smile...and eat a lot yourself...until you have a thought that the bridesmaids dresses that you'll be wearing in a few months won't be so kind to that sponge candy..
-Remember the homework that has to be done and does it....

Lesson of the day: Do my devotions. I really need to work on putting God first in everything I do. Giving Him the praise and glory.

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