Sunday, April 22, 2012


Well, it happened, I turned 21. All the hype that you always hear about turning 21, yeah- what is that? I discovered that the only reason why turning 21 is a big deal is so that you can legally go out and get wasted...which I'm still confused why anyone would want to do. "Hey, did you hear? I'm 21! Let's go order a bunch of beers and get so drunk that I can't even stand up, and want to put my head in a toilet so that I can keep puking up everything I just drank and ate. THEN in the morning i'll feel like killing anyone who comes in all chipper and semi-loud.....cause i'm 21, and that's how we do it." Nope, not my cup of tea. But kuddos to all you morons out there who think that's 'fun'. Idiots. I think it's time to give you a play by play of April 19th, 2012.

5:47 am: I am jerked out of a peaceful  sleep by the sound of some maniacs pounding on my bedroom door. My first thought was that it was my roommate, Spring. Then I heard three voices break out in the worse rendition of Happy Birthday I have ever heard. Ahhh, not Spring, but Jen, Hollie and Brook. After yelling at them to leave me alone, and them in turn telling me to get up and come to breakfast, in whatever I was wearing, I finally give in, though not exactly thrilled because Thursday is my one day that I really have the option to sleep past 6, and since I was up till midnight the night before making myself a birthday cake, I was definitely looking forward to sleeping till 7. But through all my complaining, i'm happy to say that I have the most amazing friends ever, and am SO blessed by them. The 4 of us crammed into Jen's cute baby blue Bennie (aka an old vw beetle), and traveled on down to Bend's infamous "Original Pancake House". They took me out to breakfast, gave me presents (all of which had something to do with food, or bakeware! So glad they know me so I didn't have to fake like a present!), and ate some of the worse 'average joe breakfast' ever. I should have known by ordering what average people eat that I shouldn't have expected something that a food goddess would eat. BUT, the food was not the point that morning. The memory of my crazy, amazing, quite good looking and single (minus one-feeelllaas!!!) friends making my 21st birthday amazing without having to go out and get wasted, was created that morning. And of course the phone calls from my parents and siblings, and sweet nephew and niece singing helped with those memories too! <3

Eggs benedict and sparkling cider with strawberries!
When I came home I noticed all the decorations my sweet flatmate had put up all over the house- and when I walked into my bathroom I was welcomed by presents galore- one of which was the best presents I received this birthday- a Thor figurine. Heck.yes! When Spring woke up she showered more gifts upon me. For brunch, Spring made eggs Benedict (first time having that- she did good!), we popped open the sparkling cider, sliced strawberries to put in it, and I ate my cake. After that, we sat on the floor by the table (why there, i'll never know?) and watch Anjelah Johnsons "That's how we do it" (which, if you've never seen it, go watch it NOW!) and then I went to school from 4-10 pm... When I got home, I ran and got a frozen pizza for myself, and went to sleep.

Thea and I
I decided early on that with my schedule, I would just celebrate my birthday all week. So it started on the 18th, Spring brought me a "triple blast" Popsicle and really bright colored flowers, I made my cake and then watched the first 30 minutes of Mission Impossible 3, which I turned off because I couldn't handle Tom Cruses' embarrassing, awful, straight up terrible acting any longer. Then the 19th, and the 20th, after class I came home and Spring and I bbq outside, enjoying this beautiful weather we've been having. Then the 21st I worked from 10-6, building a cardboard candy castle for a school project for the girl I nanny, which resulted in many burnt spots on my hands and a blister on my pinkie (because how I included her in the project was by giving her the hot glue gun to help me)...big mistake... After coming home with the worse head ache i've ever had, I went to sleep at 5:30....Old age hitting me fast. I slept for 14 hours! I was shocked. But i've never felt so refreshed! Today I feel like conquering the garage sale-ing world! And so I will...and so I will....

Thank you everyone who helped me celebrate and share with me on my birthday, I am so blessed by family and friends.

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