So- as of lately, i've realized (after my friends gasping and looking at me with "I can't believe you just said that" looks on their faces) that I have a special gift of telling people the truth, in a way that people can't believe. Hey, if you ask for my thoughts, i'll give them to you, and i'm not going to sugar coat it just to make you feel better- especially when it comes to food and music.
"Hi! Can I get a small mocha please?"
-"That'll be $2.75. I'll bring it to you when it's ready."
10 minutes later the waitress arrives with a small mocha done up nicely in a cute mug... sad, considering that after taking a sip I find out that it's possibly the most disgusting drink I've ever had, which takes away from the cuteness of the mug. I push it aside (why, why, why would I drink something that isn't good?) Brook takes a sip and agrees that it's pretty bitter... Side note: I hate coffee- unless it's sugared down with chocolate, with which it gives a nice touch. This mocha was so bitter, I thought I was drinking straight up coffee until the waitress came back and asked how everything was- then, she turned her eyes to me and made the biggest mistake by asking, "And how is your mocha?" (Ahhh mocha- so it WAS a mocha and not a latte or something else....oh i'll have to tell her what my thoughts are since she asked right?!) And so I reply with, not a "It was good" (faking the fact that I hate it). Oh no, no, no, i'm going to tell this lady what I think of it since she asked! With a look of sadness, and disappointment I reply "It's disgusting." Brook and Elise gasp and stare at me, shocked at what I just said. Brook, always so sweet, begins to apologize for me. HA, as if I would! Elise and Brook are laughing, i'm sure they were trying to lessen the tension. The waitress is so taken aback but begins to regain her stance and says "Really?! OH no! Why?!!? Let me remake it for you!" And so I tell her, it was just so bitter- when I order a mocha i'm use to it being sweet, explaining that I hate coffee otherwise. So she asks me if I want a hot chocolate...."Excuse me, but don't you think if I'd wanted a hot chocolate I would have ordered it?!" I could feel these words wanting to pounce out of my mouth, but after the last greeting of gasps from only two words, I refrained and just told her to add more chocolate please. Good drinks come to those to ask the person to remake it if it's nasty. The second mocha was delightful. And we all had and still have good laughs when the fact that i'll tell someone anything if I don't like what it is.
"Yeah, can I get that panini please?"
-"Would you like it grilled or just cold"
Yikes- what do I do? I'm naturally a cold sandwich eater, but maybe not this time? I debate with myself while he tells me the advantages of having him grill it, he assures me it will make it a much better sandwich. Hands down, the sandwich is better when it's grilled... My problem is, i'm hungry and I want to eat now, and in the back of my head I know that i'm not going to want this sandwich hot, but he got me- so I ordered it grilled. Biggest mistake he made was telling me it would only take 5 minutes, when 12 minutes later he's still watching it cook. I can't handle it any longer and I go up and get my sandwich (thank God for Elise telling me "What the heck is he doing!? Go get your sandwich, it's ready!" hahaha) I return and start eating it, hoping that the little voice in my head telling me "NOOOOO! Don't get it grilled!" was wrong...but ohhhh it was so right! I didn't like it half as much as I would have. But, lately I've been inspired and determined to eat anything I am given and to enjoy it! And I was happy. It was still a good sandwich, it just wasn't the BEST sandwich... Well, the poor soul, as we were walking out he just had to say "See, it was better grilled right?" ohhhh boy... here I go again.... "Actaullllyyyyy, I didn't like it." hahahah ohhh shoot, I wish I had a camera to catch his completely taken off guard and shocked expression.. These gasps and expressions have me thinking that these people must not get true comments ever. Come on, I know i'm not the only one who didn't like it grilled, or thought the drink was gross. Others just politely say "Yes. Thank you." I must have missed that part in my "how to be a lady" handbook. Again, Brook and Elise are there to laugh and apologize for me. Where would I be without them? Probably banned from all eating establishments.
While with a group of friends downtown, two "country" boys (one holding a guitar) come up and ask us with their "cowboy" accents "Would you folks like to hear some country music?" Shoot- I heard these guys just an hour earlier...They weren't exactly "Music to my ears." So, being me, I replied (for myself and the group as nobody spoke up before me) with "Definiteeeely...nooooot" Again with the gasps, shocked looks and the rest of the night with "BEKAH- I still can't believe you said that! Those poor guys!" the fella's with the geetar strode away saying something like "Thanks for being so polite ma'am." I laughed so hard after hearing about their sarcastic remark.
Now, don't be getting all crazy on me for these stories- I know there are nicer ways to say these things, but at the time, there isn't, so don't get your panties in a bunch thinking about how rude I was. These stories are for laughing and to know that if you ever need an honest opinion, i'm your gal.